
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 18:21:22
There is a new school of thinking, however, that says that all of these tasks are various forms of marketing communications and that to be effectively managed they should be integrated. Integrated marketing communications has become the new model that many firms use in organizing their marketing activities. All activities, whether they involve personal sales calls, advertising programs, or tent cards for the dining room, are coordinated. This ensues that the organization sends out messages to its employees, customers, the press and others that are consistent and directed at achieving the overall mission of the organization.

有一所新的学校认为,然而,那说所有这些任务是各种各样市场情报,并且是有效地被处理的那他们应该联合。 集成行销通信成为了许多企业在组织使用他们的营销活动的新的模型。 所有活动,他们是否介入个人推销电话,给节目或者餐厅的帐篷卡片做广告,被协调。 这接着而来是一致和指挥在达到组织的整体使命的组织派出消息给它的雇员,顾客,新闻和其他