
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:30:55
【摘要】目的 探讨DIC发生与患者白细胞数、感染、化疗等因素的关系。方法 对53例AL合并DIC作回顾分析。并发DIC的AL类型为APL28例、非M3期ANLL15例、ALL10例、发生于AL初发期、诱导化疗和化疗间歇期、难治期的DIC分别占25,11,17例。结果 APL合并DIC38%发生于初发期,非M3期ANLL并DIC发生于难治期占60%。而ALL并DIC50%与诱导化疗有关。40例经全程治疗者,DIC治愈8例,其中6例为初发期患者(6/16)。结论 总结AL合并DIC临床特点有助于认识及防治该并发症。
【关键词】急性白血病 弥漫性血管内凝血 化疗

Objective To investigate the occurrence of DIC in patients with leukocyte count, infection, chemotherapy and other factors. Methods 53 cases of AL for retrospective analysis of the combined DIC. Complicated by DIC for the AL type APL28 cases, non-M3 cases ANLL15 period, ALL10 cases occurred in the early period AL, chemotherapy and chemotherapy-induced intermittent period, refractory period, respectively, accounting for DIC patients 25,11,17. The outcome of APL merger DIC38% occurred in the early period, non-M3 period ANLL and DIC occurred in 60% of refractory period. And ALL and DIC50% with induction chemotherapy-related. 40 cases treated by the entire process, DIC treated eight cases, of which six cases of patients for the early period (6 / 16). DIC conclusions summarize the clinical characteristics of AL combined knowledge and contribute to the prevention and treatment of complications.
Key words acute leukemia disseminated intravascular coagulation chemotherapy
