
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:00:28
摘 要
本文共七章。第一章为序言部分。重点对汽车传感系统的研究意义及其背景情况进行介绍。第二章为汽车传感系统中传感器的种类和分布情况以及部分作用简介。 第三到六章为具体种类的传感器的详细介绍。第三章为温度类传感器介绍,详细介绍了冷却液温度传感器;第四章为压力类传感器介绍,详细介绍了进气压力传感器;第五章为流量类传感器,详细介绍空气流量传感器;第六章介绍了气体浓度类传感器,详细介绍了氧传感器。第七章为总结以及对汽车传感系统及其技术的展望。第八章结束语。

Automotive sensor system designed to demonstrate Taiwan's thesis
With the technology development and social progress, especially in people's income growth and popularity of a wide range of motor vehicles, motor vehicles have become indispensable to human life and means of transportation and other means of transport. Human needs has led to the continuous development of technology, the development of Hyundai Motor has been in the machinery do not have much space, focused on automotive electronics and control technology, sensor system and automobile electronic control technology is the vehicle a very important part of . Reflect the modern technology with a lot of automotive sensors, as the vehicle's "sensory organs" of the sensor will be a variety of input parameters into electrical signals. These signals are for the mediation and control of engine management systems, safety systems and comfort necessary for the system. Such as vehicle acceler