论文英文摘要 请高手帮帮忙啊 谢谢了啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:32:50

关键词:电解银法,甲醛,甲醇 ,设计

10,000 tons / year of formaldehyde process design

Formaldehyde is an important organic chemical products, is the simplest aldehyde compounds. Formaldehyde soluble in water, can form a variety of concentrations of aqueous solution containing 37.6% formaldehyde aqueous solution (mass fraction) as formalin (formaldehyde that is, goods). Formaldehyde used in the manufacture of phenolic resin can produce a variety of electrical materials, new engineering plastics can be produced POM can also be used as a synthetic rubber and synthetic fiber raw materials, agriculture, medical and health for the pesticides and fungicides, it is important to chemical and medical materials. The design is based on methanol as raw materials, selection of the air oxidation of formaldehyde, with a wide array of sources of raw materials, methanol and high conversion rate, but at the same time there is a high reaction temperature, catalyst deactivation easy, high oxidation of materials,