
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 05:47:49
1. 酒店的价格非常合理
2. 学生入住时,出示学生证可优惠8.8折。现役军人和残疾人出示有关证件,也优惠8.8折
3. 顾客可以直接到酒店预定房间,也可通过电话,进行预订
4. 酒店有一个很大的标志,挂在楼顶,在附近路口,都设有小型的路标,指引顾客到达酒店。每个季度,都会在全城发有关酒店的传单,使人们了解酒店。在网上有酒店的网页,有简单的介绍,和房间简介,价格。
5. 家宏需要一些管理人才的加入和储备,同时家宏具备的一整套既科学又规范,公平而又透明的员工晋升发展渠道机制,更为他们提供良好的发展机会和空间。

1 Hotel price is very reasonable
2 Students have their ID Card, they can obtain a 12% discount. For active servicemen and disabled people, if they have their ID, they are able to receive a 12% discount.
3. Customers can go directly to the hotel for reservation, but it can also be done through the telephone.
4. The hotel has a big sign, hang on the roof, near the intersection, with no small sign, guides customers arrived at the hotel. Each quarter, flyer of the hotel will be sent out across the whole town, let people know about this place. On The hotel's website, there is introduction of the hotel, the rooms, and the price.
5. Home to some of the macro management talents to join and reserves, at the same time, the whole family macro, scientific and standard fair and transparent staff promotion development channels, they provide good mechanism of space and development opportunities.
Home macro is a young, dynamic and positive team. At home the take-