
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 18:15:36
添加“ ` ”是为了`反`和`谐`,谢谢!

01. 你知道什么叫一瞬即永`恒吗?和她在一起的每一个瞬`间,我所流`露的,都是真心真意,我陪伴着她,与她共度那些时光,无论是一个眼神,一句闲话,我都是为她而做,那时的我心里只有她一个人……这种瞬`间的快`乐,就是永`恒的,不会被`改`变的……

02. 忘记过去就意味着背`叛~!!而心中的伤`痕永远都在!

03. 一块石头,当它被压在泥土中的时候,它什么都没有,它什么都不做。但当有一天它出了泥土、成为山`巅一`柱的时候,它就拥有了包括阳光在内的一`切,在这个时候,它就要辉`映`阳`光,报`答雨露,做它能做的一`切事情,给仰`望`者以力`量、勇`气!

04. 发`挥你们的想`象`力...

05. 箭枝能不能折`断,不在于它的多少,而是在于谁握`着它们!

1. Do you know what is meant by eternity? Every fleeting moments with her, the sincerety that I have relayed, every moments that I have spent with her. Even a glance, a word... everything i have done is for her. She was the only one in my heart at that time. These moments of happiness... so fleeting yet so eternal, will not be changed.....

2. Forgeting the past means betrayal!! The wound in one's heart will never be healed!

3. A stone, when buried by mud, has nothing, can do nothing. But one day when its uncovered, when it becomes the peak of a mountain, it will have the embrace of mother nature, doing everything it can to relay its power and valiance to whose who revere in awe.

4. Release your imagination.

5. Whether arrows can be snapped is not in its quantity, but in who is hoding them.

6. For "Opposition" and "Harmony".