
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 16:02:02
Migration and rural development: early perceptions
The purpose of this background paper is to summarize the key routes through which internal and international migration impact rural development and some of the evidence pertaining to these effects in low income countries.
In the early, dualistic literature on economic development, migration of labor out of the rural sector and into industrial production was uniformly viewed as the key to modernization and income growth.In the process a Kuznets’s curve is quite mechanically drawn. Inequality initially rises between those fortunate enough to relocate in town versus those left in poverty in the rural areas. As urbanization proceeds, average incomes rise and the dispersion of income later narrows because fewer are left in agrarian destitution. Although difficult to rationalize within a utility maximizing framework, these early frameworks presumed the existence of a surplus pool of labor i

在这些二元模式,决定是否迁移或不被模仿的自由裁量权的个人,潜在的移民。此外,移民被当作永久的举动;生命的变化,离散选择,通常采取的早期生活中,以便获得好处在一个较长的时间horizon.3开创性贡献哈里斯和托达罗( 1970年)增加不确定性,在形式的赌博找到一个正规部门就业的城镇,但变幻莫测的生活在农村部门仍然被忽视。此外,国际移徙的作用,而不是从农村向城市,国内移民前往之间基本上没有注意发展经济学家,除了关注对人才外流这是典型的假设是一个令人关切的主要的发展城市部门。