
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 06:46:56
The THEORY of design is that if you know the elements and principles of design---voila! Magic! We can design!
However, it takes some forethought and planning. We can dispel the mystery and also approach our ideas (of theories) of design in a systematic way, first things first. I have read design text that give information about HOW to arrange the parts of a design, before students can identify the parts.
So throughout this text, we will use the analogy of baking a cake from scratch (not using a cake mix a box!) using basic baking ingredients. First we gather the ingredients, then we assemble the cake. The kind of cake we bake results from different methods of putting it together. In a like manner, different designs result from various way of composing the elements. To quote a memorable teacher and artist, Robert Henri, “There is a certain common sense in procedure which may be basic to all.

因此,在整个案文中,我们将使用类推烘焙蛋糕从零开始(不使用组合框! )使用基本烘烤美味。首先,我们收集素材,那么我们组装蛋糕。什么样的蛋糕烘烤的结果,我们从不同的方法把它在一起。在同样的方式,不同的设计导致不同的方式组成要素。引用一个难忘的教师和艺术家,罗伯特亨利: “有一定的常识,程序,这可能是基本的。


