初二英语短文交通问题 50字

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:28:18

It was too crowded in the street this morning.When I was telephoned to take part in a party,I hurried to take a taxi to get there,but it was so crowded that I was late.
There was too much traffic .There were such many cars and tracks,all of them were stopping in the street because there was just a traffic accident there,an old man was hurt by a taxi.When I know this,I quickly got off and surpposed him to a hospital. When I got to the party,through I was late and criticized ,but I was so glad because I helped others.


The Urumqi Urban Transport Improvement Project aims to foster a multi-modal urban transport system which is planned, designed, and used for the safe, efficient, and healthy movement of people and goods. The project has five components. 1) Road Network Development will provide a 31.25 km "Ring Road" which will link the old central business district (CBD) to new development areas of the city, protect the CBD f