
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:37:39
4The first road construction machine
Subsequently a lot of new knowledge and experiences were obtained about tar and asphalt construction methods in the USA, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and also, of course, Germany. From single and double surface treatments to so-called "heavy courses", the roads were paved according to the traffic requirements. The technical development of machines and equipment accompanied this technology: sprayer and gritting machines for surface treatments, mixing plants for the manufacture of the bituminous mixture with tar and bitumen, spreaders and pavers for the paving of the mixture and last but not least, the rollers, initially the steam-powered rollers, later the motorized rollers. The speed, at which the development and use of the tar and asphalt road construction took place, can be seen in the increase in the consumption of road binders;
The Second World War brought a halt in road construction everywhere; not on



后来了很多新的知识和经验得到了有关焦油和沥青的施工方法在美国,英国,法国,荷兰,瑞士,也当然,德国。从单,双表面处理,以所谓的“沉重的课程” ,铺平了道路,根据交通需求。技术开发的机器和设备伴随这项技术:喷雾器和gritting表面处理设备,搅拌站生产的沥青混合料的焦油和沥青,传播者和摊铺机的摊铺的混合物以及最后但并非最不重要的是,滚筒最初的蒸汽压路机,后来的机动辊。的速度,在开发和使用的焦油和沥青道路建设发生了,可以在消费的增长道路粘结剂;
