
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 02:29:46
目的 探讨食管扩张在治疗食管、贲门狭窄中的疗效和并发症的预防与处理。方法 内镜下置入导丝,用探条由细到粗进行扩张。结果 624例病人共进行了3626次扩张,20%的患者经1~3次扩张获得长期缓解,扩张后吞咽困难达“0”级者约占63%,无明显改变者约占2.5%;14例导丝未能置入;1例导丝断在胃内;4例穿孔,8例出血量大,无死亡病例。结论 扩张治疗安全、效果好,应高度重视并发症的预防与处理。

Objective To study the expansion in the treatment of esophageal esophagus, cardia stenosis in effect and the prevention and treatment of complications. Method of endoscopic guide wire placement with bougie from fine to coarse expansion. The results of a total of 624 cases of patients meeting the 3626 expansion, 20% of patients with 1 to 3 times the expansion of long-term remission of dysphagia after the expansion of "0" level, about 63%, no significant change, about 2.5%; 14 guide wire into the cases of failure; 1 broken wire in the stomach; 4 cases of perforation, eight cases of bleeding, and no deaths. Conclusion expansion treatment safe and effective, and should attach great importance to the prevention and treatment of complications.

Objective To study the expansion in the treatment of esophageal esophagus, cardia stenosis in effect and the prevention and treatment of complications. Method of endoscopic guide wire placement with bougie from fine to c