
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/09 01:22:09
要点如下:1、本周六是王红的生日。许多同学将去她家参加生日聚会;2、王红爱好广泛、为人友善;经常帮父母做家务;3、一些同学打算向父母要钱,买礼物送给她;4、你对同学们花钱买礼物一事的看法及理由。要求:1、不要逐句翻译;2、词数60—80 3、我一直等待您的答复。对您看过的我要感谢;对您给与帮助回答的我更感谢;对您帮助我完成这篇英语作文的我要深深地感谢!!!

This week is Wanghong's birthday. Many students come to her party.Wanghong has lots of hobbies and is very friendly.She often help her parents to do some housework. Some of them who intend to parents for money to buy her gifts.think the students have to buy gifts is a good thing, but to the parents for money is not good.

This week is Wanghong's birthday. Many students come to her party.Wanghong has lots of hobbies and is very friendly.She often help her parents to do some housework. Some of them who intend to parents for money to buy her gifts.think the students have to buy gifts is a good thing, but to the parents for money is not good. 首先,尤其重要的,最重要的 above all
偶然,无意中 by accident
对(于)…很积极 be active in
合计为 add up to
承让错误 admit one’s mistake
接受某人的建议 take / follow one’s advice
就…提出建议 give advice on
建议某人做某事 advice sb. to do sth.
后天 the day after tomorrow
毕竟;终究 after all
违心 against one’s will
在…岁时 at the age