
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:19:40
我们主要研究的课题是The effects of drinking soda...放假回来就要展览了,全部的内容都要是英语的.而且步骤和中文实验研究是一样的,都有提出问题,做出假设和其他的步骤..而且一定要全面一点,主要是关于胃部的影响..所有的步骤都要有..

Soda is one of society’s favorite beverages. Each year, billions of gallons of soda are sold in the United States alone. Though it is popular with men, women, and children, many experts believe drinking soda may have serious health consequences.
Some studies have suggested a link between drinking soda and obesity. Soda is high in sugar and calories. Combined with its practically nonexistent nutritional value, soda may cause drinkers to pack on the pounds without receiving even the smallest nutritional benefit. Surprisingly, drinking diet soda has been linked to weight gain as well. However, some experts assert that obesity may be caused not by drinking soda, but by the combination of drinking soda and leading a sedentary lifestyle.
Drinking soda has been shown to contribute to tooth decay. Spokesmen for the soda industry have conceded this point. Interestingly, in recent years, levels of tooth decay in the United States and similarly developed countries have decreased. Th