中译英 !急~回答全对有加分!加10分~~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 17:22:21

1, please focus on work.

2, do not care about my thoughts, doing what they want to do.

3, they still believe that his son was still alive.

4, generally speaking, people like him.

1, Please pay attention to the work
2, Don' take too much care on my opinion, do what you want to do.
3, They still believe that their son is alive
3 generally speaking,most of people like him.

1, please focus on your work.
2, do not care about my thoughts, just do what you want to do.
3, they still believe that their son is alive.
4, generally speaking, people like him
拒绝在线翻译工具 全部自己写的

1, please focus on work.
2, Do not care about what I think, do what you want to do.
3, They still believe that their son is alive.
4, Generally speaking/By and large, people like him.

1.Please concentrate on your work.
2.Don't care my thought,just do what you want to do.