英语翻译一下 急用 帮帮忙吧?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 10:55:59
"l was so happy on hearing the news that l couldn't even fall asleep!"This is what China's Premier Wen Jiabao said last week when he visited an oilfield.
What made the premier so excited ? Recently a big oilfield was discovered in Hebei ,where the premier was visiting .Experts said the oilfield may have 1 billion tons of crude oil .
"lt is the largest discovery in the country in more than 40 years ." Experts said .
China is one of the world's major oil producers .lt is also the second largest of the world's oil users .
Crude oil comes from ancient plants and animals .lt can be made into many products ,like Gasoline and jet fuel .lt's used for fuel or planes ,cars and buses .lt is also used to heat homes and to make many ,many things .
By the survey of 2006 , our country used 300 million tons of oil .Last year ,we produced 180 millon tons ,we also bought about 140 mllion tons from other countries .

升很高兴听到的消息,升甚至无法入睡! ”这是中国总理温家宝上周表示,当他参观了油田。
“毒素是最大的发现在该国超过40年。 ”专家说。
这一发现意味着,中国将不会再购买更多的石油。 “和油田附近发现可能是冀东Nanbao 。 ”一些科学家说了。
