
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 16:42:10
通常有三种不同类型的蔓延生长菌落。 第一种类型是链状菌落, 菌落之间没有明显界线。 这些菌落当琼脂和试验物混合时, 一个细菌块被分散所致; 第二种类型是在琼脂和平皿底之间形成的水膜样菌; 第三种是在平皿边缘或琼脂表面形成的水膜样菌落。如果所选择的平板出现过f i t 的蔓延菌落生长,
致a . 被蔓延菌落盖住的地方, 包括由于蔓延菌落造成的抑制生长区面积超过平板面积的5 0 %, 或由于蔓延菌落造成的抑制生长区面积超过平板面积的2 5 0 o , 这样的平板报告为“ 蔓延菌落” , 不予计数。
数其他平板上的菌落数, 将这些数值的算术平均值报告为平板菌落数( 下表, 样品1 0 ) ,
当有必要计数除以上 a . 和b . 外的蔓延生长菌落时, 将三种不同类型的蔓延菌落分别计数。对于第种类型, 如果仅有一条链, 将它作为一个菌落计。如果有来源不同的几条链, 将每条链作为一个菌落, 不要把链上生长的各个菌落分开来数。第二种和第三种类型的蔓延生长形成易于鉴别的菌落, 即按一般菌落计数, 把计数的蔓延生长菌落数同一般菌落数加在一起, 计算平板菌落数。
5 . 1 1 操作者对同一平板复核自己的计数结果, 其差异应在5 %之内, 而其他人对这一平板重复计
, 其差异应在1 0 %之内。否则, 应找出原因, 加以校正。

Usually have three different types of spread of the growth of bacteria. The first type is the chain-like colonies, there is no clear boundary between the colonies. When these colonies were mixed agar and testing, a bacteria-induced block was scattered; The second type is in the agar and the plate at the end of the water film between the kind of bacteria; third in the agar plate or the edge of the water surface membrane-like colony. If the choice of flat-panel fit, there were the spread of colony growth,
To a. Covered by the spread of bacteria, including as a result of the spread of colony growth inhibition caused by flat area the size of more than 5 0%, or as a result of the spread of colony growth inhibition caused by flat area the size of more than 2 5 0 o, such flat-panel report on "the spread of the colony," not counting.
Several other colonies on the plate will be the arithmetic mean of these values reported as flat colonies (under the table, sample 1 0),