
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 17:31:40

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The slaughter starts from Kigali to proliferate to national each corner; From April 6 to the beginning of July's 100 days, approximately some 1,000,000 people are slaughtered, the major part is the chart westerner. In addition has 2,000,000 people to be destitute and homeless. in July, Rwandan patriotic front RPF and the neighboring country Uganda's army counter-attacks enters Rwanda capital Kigali, has defeated Hu Turen the government. 2,000,000 Hu Turen, some participated in the slaughter, because is afraid encounters the chart westerner to retaliate, runs away to neighboring country Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, with Zaire (present's The Democratic Republic of Congo). Because several thousand people cholera and dysentery die of the refugee camp.