
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:42:47
摘要:目的 预防检验科工作人员医源性感染事件的发生。方法 建立健全的组织管理机构及完善制度,加强工作人员医院感染知识与自我防护。工作流程严格按操作规程进行。加强工作环境消毒监测,规范医疗废物的消毒与处理的管理。结果 通过上述各项管理与预防,最大限度控制了检验科内的医院性感染,保障了工作人员的安全和身体健康。结论 健全检验科各种规章制度,加强医源性感染的管理和预防,可以有效的预防检验科内医源性感染事件的发生。
格式里面要求要注明目的 方法 结果 和 结论,具体翻译成英文应该和中文一样的格式,希望不要用网站机械地直接翻译过来,最好是能帮我修改好,那么我会追加分数!谢谢了!

你这个摘要这样写可以吗?我觉得你应该把“目的 方法 结果 结论”去掉,而把这句话用连词连成一段完整的句子。

Abstract: Goal prevention inspection department staff medicine source infection event's occurrence. The method establishment perfect organization management structure and the consummation system, strengthens the staff nosocomial infection knowledge and the self-protection. The work flow carries on strictly according to the working instruction. Strengthens the working conditions disinfection monitor, standard medical waste disinfection and processing management. The result through the above each management and the prevention, has maximum limit controlled in the inspection department hospital infection, has safeguarded staff's safety and the health. The conclusion perfect inspection department each kind of rules and regulations, strengthen the medical source infection the management and the prevention, may in the effective prevention inspection department the medical source infection event's occurrence.