
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 08:47:21
“像蚂蚁一样工作,像蝴蝶一样生活。蚂蚁的勤劳只要有颗执著的心很好做到,但是很多时候,人就像小小的蚕,让心灵结上一种“茧”。希望自己能忍住痛苦,执著地用心去咬破自己构筑的外壳,蜕变而使人生变得灿烂、精彩! ”

to work as an ant; to live as a butterfly. the diligence of an ant can be reached as long as your mind is filled with perseverance and ambition. however, generally speaking, cases are always that mankinds are like silkworms more than ants that have an inclination to wrap themselves up. how i wish i could bear the sorrow and sadness and break down the iron-clab i built around my heart reaching for a splendid and colorful life of my own!
about the capital letters,i have confidence in you that you can make it yourself^-^