
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 16:21:48
From a political point of view, GASB 34 proved to be very divisive. GASB received more than 400 comment letters to its exposure draft, twice as many as any other issue GASB has ever dealt witii. The feedback was mosdy negative, especially with regard to infrastructure reporting. The AICPA GFOA, NASACT, The International City/County Management Asscociation (ICMA), Ernst & Young, KPMG, and Deloitte & Touche were among the hundreds opposed to GASB 34 in part or in whole. The AICPA stated: "The proposed dual-perspective ... tries to meet so many user needs that it fails to be effective." NASACT asserted: "This new practice ... brings into question the relevance, reliability, and even integrity of financial reporting for governments."
If the GFOA wasn't the strongest opponent of GASB 34, it was certainly the most outspoken. It said: "Governments cannot be asked to incur significant costs to provide information of no demonstrative value." GFOA members

从政治角度来看,锑化镓34证明是非常分歧。锑化镓收到400多封信给其评论征求意见稿,多一倍的任何其他问题,锑化镓曾经处理witii 。这些反馈mosdy消极,特别是有关基础设施的汇报。在美国注册会计师协会GFOA , NASACT ,国际城市/县管理Asscociation ( ICMA ) ,安永会计师事务所,毕马威会计师事务所,德勤会计师事务所和中有数百反对锑化镓34部分或全部。在美国注册会计师协会指出: “拟议的双角度...试图以满足如此众多的用户需要它未能有效。 ” NASACT断言: “这带来了新的实践...质疑的相关性,可靠性,甚至完整的财务报告对各国政府。 ”
如果GFOA不是最强的对手的锑化镓34 ,这无疑是最直言不讳。它说: “政府不能要求承担巨额费用,以提供信息,没有示范价值。 ” GFOA成员甚至提到了锑化镓傲慢和好斗。 1999年5月,他们通过授权董事会切断资金锑化镓。当时, GFOA贡献四十○点○○万美元每年锑化镓的三百五十○点○万美元预算。尽管争议,锑化镓坚持其立场,并制定了标准, GFOA继续资助的锑化镓。之间的冲突锑化镓和GFOA之后仍然轻微,直至海上报告成为一个中心议题的讨论。
锑化镓自成立以来,海汇报了讨论的议题。早期,锑化镓开始拥护的概念,公共问责制。 1989年,锑化镓开始发表研究报告大海。 1994年4月,锑化镓了这一步,并发表声明概念2 ,服务的努力和成就的报告。这是一个清楚地提醒我们,海上报告可能有朝一日成为一个要求。更紧迫的问题,如一个新的报告模式,是首要的重点,然而,和SEA的要求似乎是一个遥远的未来考虑。