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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 05:26:16
洗钱罪是一种严重的经济犯罪。它不仅破坏经济活动的公平公正原则,影响市场经济有序竞争,损害金融机构的声誉和正常运行,威胁金融体系的安全稳定,而且与贩毒、走私、恐怖活动、贪污腐败和偷税漏税等严重刑事犯罪相联系,对一个国家的政治稳定、经济安全、社会安定以及国际政治经济体系的安全构成严重威胁。各国对洗钱犯罪行为采取的对策和我国治理洗钱犯罪的法律,在打击洗钱罪的同时应形成国际控制和预防犯罪网络,以减少洗钱犯罪行为。当前我国的反洗钱立法和制度建设处于起步阶段, 仍有需要完善的地方。
题目是 论洗钱罪的危害及其防治 看着翻译下

Money laundering crime is a serious economic crime. It is not just the fairness principle of economic activities, the influence of market economy and orderly competition, damage to the reputation of financial institutions and normal operation, the threat of the financial system, and drug safety and stability, smuggling, terrorism, corruption and tax evasion of criminal linked to a national political, economic and security and stability of social stability and the safety of international political and economic system pose a serious threat. All of the crime of money-laundering behavior in China and the countermeasures of crime of laundering control laws against money laundering in at the same time should be formed international crime control and prevention network, to reduce the money laundering crime. China's anti-money-laundering legislation and system construction in the initial stage, there are still need to be improved.

Money laundering crime is one kind of serious econ