
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 15:16:11
在游戏的过程中,有时候并不是每个同学都可以参与到游戏中,常常会有一个或几个同学对游戏漠不关心,这就是游戏旁观者。例如有教师在教颜色这一课时,为了帮助学生记忆,设计了一个“What’s missing ”的游戏,学生们对此很感兴趣,整个课堂气氛顿时活跃起来,但是在角落里有一个小男孩并没有参与到游戏中来,当其他同学不亦乐乎的“red”,“ blue ”,“yellow” 说个不停的时候,他只是沉默,教师不明白,为什么那么多学生都玩的开心的游戏,而他却游离在其之外,这样导致他无法得到应有的语言训练,体验游戏的过程。研究发现,导致学生游离于课堂游戏之外的原因有几个,一方面是由于学生对游戏不感兴趣,觉得游戏比较简单,不屑玩。另一方面是因为小学生本身的害羞心理,他们害怕在公开场合犯错误。

1.Play Games
In the course of the game, every student can participate in games and sometimes not , one or more students often have indifferent to the game, and this is the game spectator. For example, teachers teaching the class colors, in order to help students remember the design of a "What's missing" game, the students are very interested in this, the whole classroom atmosphere suddenly become active again, but in the corner of a little boy did not participate in the game, the joy of other students when the "red", "blue", "yellow" that never stopped, he is silent, teachers do not understand why so many students are happy to play game, and he was free in its outside, so that he can not be proper language training, the course of the game experience. The study found that students outside the game drifted away from the classroom for several reasons that this was due to students not interested in the game, that game is relatively simpl