
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 02:33:23

1. Who said the following words, "I came, I saw, I conquered"? (Julius Caesar)
2. Why did Herny IIIV of England break with the Roman Catholic Church? (Because he wanted to divorce his wife, but the Church didn't allow him to do so.)
3.Where did the forces of Seventh Coalition defeat Napoleon Bonapart? (Waterloo, Belguim)
4. Who is the first president of the United States? (George Washington)
5. Why did the Dutch monarchy present tulips to the Canadian people? (Because Canadian soldiers first liberated the Netherlands from the Nazi occupation during World War II.)


1,Ancient Rome, the most outstanding military commander who
2,Frank kingdom into several?
answer:Third, France, Germany, Italy
3,Who is the establishment of the Persian Empire?
4,First written in ancient codes which?
answer:The Code of Ur al
5,Western Europe known as the nineteenth century'