翻译下面一段话 英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:45:22
文化的变迁是随社会的变迁而变迁的。从文化内部因素来看,文化的接触和传播、新的发明和发现、价值观的冲突等是变迁的主要原因。从文化的外部条件来看,社会关系和结构的变动、人口和自然环境的变化等是变迁的主要原因。所谓文化变迁,指的是文化的跳跃性发展,或文化的突发性变化 翻译为英文

The cultural change is with the social change but change.Seeing from cultural internal factor, conflict etc. of cultural contact and dissemination, new invention and detection, value is the main reason of the change.From cultural of external condition to see, the society relation and structures of variety etc. of fluctuation, population and natural environment is the main reason of the change.So-called cultural change, what to point culturally jumps up sex development, or culture of sudden sex change



Culture is changing as society progresses and changes. Internal factors from the cultural point of view, cultural contacts and the dissemination of new inventions and discoveries, such as a conflict of values is the main reason for the changes. From a cultural point of view of external conditions, social relations and structural changes in population and changes in the natural environment is the main reason for the changes. The