
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 15:56:39

◆ The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. (Thomas Carlyle, British essayist and historian)
■ 生活的悲剧不在于人们受到多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。(英国散文家、历史学家 卡莱尔 T)
◆ The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. (Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer)
■ 对于过去不幸的记忆,构成了新不幸。(西班牙作家 塞万提斯 M)
◆ Tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher)
■ 意志坚强的乐观主义者用“世上无难事”人生观来思考问题,越是遭受悲剧打击,越是表现得坚强。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 L A)
◆ Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.(H.J.Kaier, American businessman)
■ 困难只是穿上工作服的机遇。(美国实业家 凯泽 H J)
◆ We have all sufficient strength to endure the misfortunes of others. (La Rochefoucauld, French writer)
■ 我们都有足够的力量来忍受别人的不幸。(法国作家 拉罗什富科)
◆ We shall defend ourselves to the last breath of man and beast. (William II, King of England)
■ 只要一息尚存,我们就要为保卫自己而战。(英国皇帝 威廉二世)