
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:41:34
本课题主要采用目前比较流行的网页制作三剑客Dreamweaver 8、Flash cs4 和图片处理工具photoshop对网页进行设计与制作。网页制作前先要游览目前比较流行也一些音乐网站比如狗狗音乐网 、好听音乐网、天籁村、九酷音乐、千千音乐排行等国内比较知名的网站进行信息的采集工作。信息收集完成后把收集的信息进行分析整理,然后在到网站吧相关的图片、歌曲、新闻等下载到本地的计算机里。最后通过photoshop、Flash、

Internet speed today, become a fast access to the Internet, publishing and transmission of an important channel for information, which in people, in all aspects of life play an important role. Web site by building more and more attention to young people, all kinds of personal web sites, qq space, personal blog has become a fashionable group of young people. Subject to the music I love the design and production of the title music of China and South Korea to conduct a comparison, notice of the latest and fastest album and singers of recent developments in China and South Korea so that the music trends and cultural differences there is a further understanding
This topic is currently more popular mainly in the production of Three Musketeers of the page Dreamweaver 8, Flash cs4 and photoshop image processing tools for the design and production of web pages. Page Creator is currently before the more popular tours are also a number of music sites such as dogs music network, good musi