
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 00:19:49

After reviewing results on the relative collective activity of early reading as well as basing on the relative theory about the teachers’ speech act in the classroom, this essay uses the kindergarten teachers who taught the senior group as the target population, and through the observational method records and analysis the teachers’ speech act in the classroom during the relative collective activity of early reading , This research aims to understand the characteristics and current situation of the teachers’ speech act in the classroom during the relative collective activity of early reading to find out the exits problems and give relative suggestions.

In this paper, recalled the early read on the results of research on group activities and teacher's classroom speech act theory, based on large classes of kindergarten teachers to study, through observation of their collective activities at an early stage of reading in classroom behavior were observed speech record analys