
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:28:47
4连词成句(5分) 每句2分
5句型转换 每句两空(10分)

1 The ____(权威机构)revealed that the story was untrue.
Please p____ us some necessary painting tools.
What he did made us ____(疑惑的).
There are many famous paintings in the g____
Your s____ is quite good .I think it's very helpful to me

authority provide wondering gallery suggestion

2 Who___(see)elephants at the zoo yesterday?
Let her ___(go) there to ___(sit)next to the childrn.
Our Chinese teacher____(study)Englishi this year.
I'm going to ____(do) a lot of housework next Sunday morning.
She can't ___(swim)withoutwater.
May's classmates ____(work)in a car company this year.

saw went sit studies do swim work

3 我们在学校吃中午饭. We_____ ______at school.
不要在回家的路上踢球. Don't play ball _____ _____ _____home.
我们一个星期上五节课. We go to school_____ _____ ____ ____.
你在第几排? _____ ______are you_____?
这个英语怎么说? _____this in______?

eat lunchthe way backfive