
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 21:31:28

Do you want to go restaurant to take a lunch with me ?

I want to invite Sam to have lunch in noodle restaurant.

I want to invite Mr Sam to go to the noodles restaurant for lunch

Will you invite Sam to go to a noodle shop to have lunch together ?

Do you want to invite Sam to go to a noodle shop to have lunch together?

以上是完全书面形式 下面用口语形式:

Are you going to a noodle shop for lunch with Sam you've invited?

Do you wanna(口语,等于want to 或者 want a)go to a noodle shop for lunch with Sam you've invited?


Hey, Sam. What do you say if we have lunch together today at the XXX noodle house?

Hey, Sam. Would you like to join me at the XXX noodle house for lunch?

Hey, Sam. Can we have lunch together today? Let' go to the XXX noodle house.


Sam,what about going to have noodles f