
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 17:29:15
①-Let's hurry, professor Beach is coming.
-Oh,I was afrsid that we______.(D)
A. already miss him B.will miss him
C.have already missed him D.had already missed him
②Micheal Philips,______help Georage Williams climbed over the ALPs,_____is one of the world-famous prefessional tour guides.(B)
A.with which;who B.with whose;/
C.who;/ D.who; who
③Nobody but doctors and those ___________by Dr Zhang____________to enter the patient's room.(A)
A.invited; is allowed B.are invited;are allowed
C.being invited;is allowed D.being invited;are allowed
④Why!I have nothing to confess._________you want me to say?(A)
A.What is it that B.What it is that
C.How is it that D.How it is that
⑤Only when _________possible to settle the problem.(B)
A.does the chief editor come will it be B.the chief editor comes will it be C.has the chief editor come it will be D

1 选D



Micheal Philips is one of guides


第一空是非限制性定语从句,也 考察了搭配
help sb with sth

Georage Williams climbed over the ALPs with Micheal Philips’ help

把Micheal Philips 单独提出来做先行词改造成定语从句就成题目那样了

3 invited by Dr Zhang过去分词短语做后置定语修饰those
Nobody but----这种类型做主语,以but前的词为准


it is ---that you want me to say



what is it that you want me to say?

5 这是一个倒装句

It will be possible to settle the problem
only when the chief editor comes
这里把only ---提前到句首,必须用倒装句


2.前面一个空不可以用who否则时态不对,micheal应该是在过去就已经help了williams,所以不能是help。C、D项排除。A项with which的问题和前面一样……只能选B。
3.being 强调的是正在发生或持续发生着的动作,所以……不能一直都在inviting...排除C、D,B项中的be动词多余,此处是主语补足语,若加be动词则与主句中的be动词重复……