Is this hotel ____ offered you a job ____ you stayed the first tim

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 07:22:12
Is this hotel ____ offered you a job ____ you stayed the first time you arrived here?
A. which , where B. the one , in which C. where ,that D.the one that, where请问选哪个?为什么?另外这句话怎么翻译?

选B 意思是:这就是为你提供工作,你到达这儿第一次呆过的那个宾馆吗?
the one是表语,offered you a job 是后置定语,
in which you stayed the first time you arrived here是非限制性定语从句


错误在于:定语从句必须紧跟在所修饰语的后面。而job后面却是you stayed the first time. 你不可能都留在工作里吧?!

Is this hotel the one that offered you a job and the one in which you stayed for the first time?

Is this hotel the one that offered you a job and the one where you stayed for the first time?

A. which , where
前一个which引来对主语的说明, 后一个where 表示对地点的说明

是不是这家饭店, 你到本地后第一次来到这里就给你一份工作?

1.首先将句子改成陈述语气:This hotel is
2.This hotel is the one…………
3.stay in s.p.