
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:39:29
希望尽量避免语法错误~ 关联词搭配好 谢谢啦

第一, 现在很多人整日将大量时间耗费在传媒上,把自己的思想、感情沉浸于媒介内容之中,而忽略了更真实有意义的东西.其次,我们可以时常从媒体上看到对人群和社会秩序产生不良影响的信息内容像暴力恐怖的、色情的、极度虚幻和歪曲的信息内容,诱发了人们背弃伦理道德的行为.再者,随着高科技的发展国家和民族间的相互了解变得更加直观容易,这对促进国际交流与合作来说当然是好事。然而,对生活水平、文化差异有较大反差的群体容易产生文化冲突.并且现在不管是网络或是电视等的侵权行为加剧,这一行为伤害到他人严重的甚至是国家.当今信息的真实性更是值得质疑,人们为了名誉金钱等利用媒体欺骗大众.
怎么简单怎么翻 意思差不多就行 主要注意语法

不要用灵格斯的段落翻译 那种工具没法相信!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!这个对我很重要如果不能认真对待请别回答!

First, lots of people spend lots of time on media, and put their mind,emotion into media content, and omit something more meaningful and more ture. second, we can see many violent,porn,extremly fantastic and mispresented informatin from mass media and that bring male effects to people and society orders, lured unmoral activities. Besides, with the development of technologies the mutual understanding between different countries and races became direct and easy, that is perfect for international communication's promotion, but to the lower level societies this changing made more and more conflicts. Pirate edition phenomina both in network and tv shows also intensified this trend. This thing seriously damaged other people even countries. We have questionalbe information authenticity, and people cheat on mass via media due to reputation and money.

First, many people now would be a lot of time to spend all day in the media to their own thoughts, feelings of immersion in the med