
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 00:03:12
单词:总经理 法人代表 中华人名共和国公安部出入境管理局

Address: Shanghai fengxian head in the new highway bridge no.123 Shanghai fengxian occurrence huancheng road 555 lane 55 towns Shanghai fengxian JiAiCun town in six groups 666
Word: general manager of the legal representative of administration of entry and exit China were
Sentences: the credit card for 10,000 dollars. Visit the son of studying and living in Australia, and appreciate the beautiful Australia.

楼上胡说呢 地址都是小的单位在前面 你当人家文盲啊 不翻译就算了 还胡扯
No. 123 Xinfenggong Road Touqiao Zhen FengXian District Shanghai China
No.55 555 Nong HuanCheng East Road NanQiao Zhen FengXian District Shanghai China
No.666 Sixth Team Qi'ai Village Fengcheng Zhen Fengxian District Shanghai China
Words: General Manager corporate representative (或者legal reprensatative) Entry-Exit Administration Bureau of Ministry of Public Security of People's Republic of China
Sentence: Credit Line is 10'000 USD dollars
To call on my son studying and living in Austral