摘要翻译 机器勿入

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 16:25:45


With the computer technology and the rapid development of Internet, color image processing has been widely used in industry, agriculture, military, medical and other fields. The K-means clustering methods, pattern recognition is pattern recognition, especially in the unsupervised clustering method, a very important element, in image processing, compression storage, transmission, retrieval, display and rendering, etc. are very important application value.

However, K-means clustering method the effect of clustering the initial cluster centers selected by the methods of serious constraints, how can we get a good initial cluster centers, whether in the field of scientific theories or applications of K-Means clustering method has more practical significance. Therefore, we want to K-means clustering to obtain the initial cluster center for research.

A wide range of existing K-means clustering method to select the initial cluster centers have their own advantages