中文摘要如何翻译成英文?(急!!!现在需要啊 !大家帮帮忙啊!)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:20:44
关键词:汽车空调 检测与诊断

With the steady growth of China's economy, people's living standards and consumption levels have a corresponding increase in the number of car owners are more and more, thus driving the car by the requirements of comfort with higher standards. Development are two sides of things, the car is a lot of convenience can be brought security risks also increased significantly, so automotive air conditioning industry in this era of rapid development of the economy came into being on the. According to statistics, in all traffic accidents, due to fatigue caused by driving up the total number of 1 / 3, a figure quite terrible. If the car has air conditioning, then the situation will be much better. Maintain a temperature suitable for driving, can greatly alleviate the degree of driver fatigue and reduce the probability of accidents. Therefore, in this paper I will focus on the design of automotive air-conditioning system to look at.

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