
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:27:18
习语是文化的一个重要的组成部分, 具有浓厚的民族气氛和意蕴。由于许多习语都有其形成的原由或故事, 所以我们通常可以从习语中窥到一个民族的历史和文化斑纹。习语包含动词短语和习惯搭配等语言结构形式。作为一种修辞手段, 习语经常出现在读者或听者的面前是很自然的.
在收听英语的过程中,词语因素对听力理解的主要影响体现在两个方面。造成思维定势变换, 影响思维与语速同步, 这是一个方面。我们知道, 听力理解是一个短时性的编码解码过程,时间机制十分严密, 必须速战速决, 容不得半点迟缓。然而, 对于作为目标语的英语, 不论是阅读还是收听, 我们的编码解码方式都会受到本族语因素的制约。当英语与本族语一旦在对应意义上发生矛盾时, 我们往往不是按本族语的意思去硬套, 就是习惯在碰撞的两者之间按本族语的规则展开寻求性的思考与对比, 试图找到符合本族语表达方式的答案. 。另一方面是误导理解。同词异义的词或习语, 不论从英语的角度还是从本族语的角度来理解, 有时好像都合情合理, 并没有相悖之处, 这类词或习语, 遣词浅白, 结构简单, 让人一目了然。但正是这些词和习语, 通常都是披着迷彩服的, 很容易让人“上当受骗”。如听到It is a piece of cake 时, 80% 的人都毫不犹豫地将它理解为“这是一块蛋糕”, 很少有人能悟出“太容易了”这一真实含义。

Idioms are a very important part of cultures and have rich atmosphere and meaning of peoples.Many idioms have their owns origins or stories, and thus, we can usually see a part of the history and culture of a nation from the idioms. Idioms include language structures such as verb phrase and fixed collocation. As a rhetoric, it's natural to see idioms appearing in front of the audiences.
When listening to English, the factors of phrases influences the understanding of listening mainly in two aspects, one of which is that they change the usual way we think, and that they affects the speed of thought and language. We know that listening is a process of encoding and decoding in short time, time is very limited, so we have to make decision without hesitation. However, as a foreign language, the way we encoding and decoding may be greatly affected by our mother tongue no matter whether we are reading or listening. Once the English language conflicts with mother tongue, we usuall