
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:37:07
谢绝翻译软件,.希望达人们能把咱们美丽的西藏翻译美丽点,不一定按字面意思,抓住我想要表达的意思就行, 谢谢.

西藏一直是往我很向往的地方,在中国的西部,平均海拔在4000米以上,你知道吗?世界第一高峰珠穆朗玛峰就在那里,我和朋友做火车去的,沿途的风景真的美丽极了,天是如此的蓝如此的宽广,湖泊就像一面镜子,阳光照射在雪山上闪闪发光.因为西藏是一个宗教浓郁的地区,佛教在当地有着很重要的地位,很多人一生的积蓄都只为了供奉佛主.所以我们参观了很多的寺庙,最让我惊讶的是布达拉宫,真的不敢相信,太震撼我了.(不知道你听说过没有,你可以在goolge搜索一下) 总之这次旅行真的很难忘记.

Tibet was a place I am yeaning long before, it lies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the west border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4,000 meters above sea level .There is Mount Everest ,the highest mount in the world . I went there by train with my friends, the wide sky filled the blue color while the lake looks like a mirror ,the snow mountain qlint account for the bright sunshine .Because of everyone in Tibet whose religious convictions emphasize worship ,and Buddhism has a very significant place in Tibet for there are a lot religion culture, many people have oblated their life only in order to worship Lord Buddha. Therefore, we visited many temples and Potala Palace superised me the most , It is unbelievable!I was absoulutly shocked! In a word, the Tibet traveling is really indelivility.

自己翻译的,你看下吧~不好是由于水平有限 包涵下吧