
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 16:25:39
自考英语(二)是考教材上的文章等内容还是其他阅读篇章及语法词汇等知识啊(比如高考英语就不可能是靠教材上的文章)?大学英语四级和英语(二)哪个难度更 大点呢?谢谢

当然是4级难了 英语2相对来说比较简单,主要考的是语法和单词 题量也很小 一般都能做完 而且没有写作



During 5000 years, as we all know, in term of the social environments which has been developing, not only people have been becoming intelligent ,the living conditions have been getting increaing comfortable,but also the cultures have been diverse. All these should lie in NEW IDEAS which keep appearing all the time. It is believed that every one has their own attitude towards new ideas and forcing others to hold the same perspective with ourselves is impossible. Even so, this eassy is about my views in NEW IDEAS.

My attitude towards new ideas is to think critically and objectively

Many times ,I try to perswade myself to conceed that new ideas are always resisted. I used to deem if some ideas appear, first,we can leave them alone, second,prove it is wrong if you are interested in.
However it’s human beings gulity ---