
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 21:29:15
谢谢你们,谢绝翻译软件,要的就很潮的味道, 谢谢拉。

1. 听你说的这些,感觉真的很酷,因为你告诉我的这些乐队和歌手我很多都没听过,哈哈看来我真的是太老土了.我喜欢艾薇尔,林肯乐队,nickelback,后街,bonjovi,U2,mcfly和一些说唱歌手,但是我不知道怎么区分这些音乐是属于哪种类型?因为我们并不在意这是属于朋克还是其他的?只要好听就行.

2 最让我遗憾的是去年艾薇尔本来计划来我们城市开演唱会,但是因为我们这里发生了8。0级地震(不知道你有没有听说),所以改为其他城市。真的太遗憾了。

It's really cool to hear those stuff, I haven't heard from those bands and singers before, I'm so out now. I love Evir, Lincons. nikelback, backstreet boys, bonjovi. U2, mcfly and some others, but I've got no idea to know the type of the music. Anyway, I don't care about Penk or any other, just follow my hears :)

It was a great pity that I missed Evir's vocal concert in my city because of the terrible 8.0 grade earthquake, maybe you've heard about it, she changed to another city which is a nightmare for me.

it's sounds great.pretty cool.
