
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:34:46
PCI is a 64 bit interface in a 32 bit package. Figuring this out requires a bit of arithmetic. When the CPU fetches data from RAM, it has to wait at least three clock ticks for the data. By transferring data every clock tick, the PCI bus can deliver the same throughput on a 32 bit interface that other parts of the machine deliver through a 64 bit path.没看明白~~~很急!!!

PCI是一个64位接口在一个32位包裹。 图此要求一点算术。 当CPU拿来数据从RAM时,它必须等至少三钟表滴答作响数据。 通过转移数据每钟表滴答作响, PCI公共汽车在机器的其他零件通过一个64位道路提供的一个32位接口可能提供同样生产量。