
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 04:05:06
本设计是一个基于C#及以Microsoft Access 2003作为后台数据库的笔试试卷生成系统设计。该系统分为试卷和题库两个模块,用户可以根据需要对题库进行编辑,编辑好题库之后,用户能够根据考试科目从题库中抽取试题添加到试卷上,生成一份华南农业大学标准试卷,最后保存为一份Word文档。

Infiltration of computer technology in all levels of society today, all the work of the trend of information, standardization, digitization, automation, management of colleges and universities in the Senate a very important task - test management is no exception. Each semester of the professional examinations, manual search for information on test selection, organization of volumes and papers in management is very cumbersome and heavy workload. Management of such organizations are given the management of volumes and papers give rise to many problems and difficulties, there are many unfavorable factors.
In these circumstances, the use of computers to automatically generate paper and gradually accumulated to form an effective test libraries, test and examination papers will enable the management to become efficient and convenient, which improve efficiency, so that gradually regularized papers management, automation will be play an important role.
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