
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:23:40
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Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展)
World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of development. At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and Japan. The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recogni