
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:27:51
摘 要:沪宁城际铁路紧邻既有京沪铁路施工中大量高大机械设备在既有铁路旁林立,如果发生设备倾覆或碰断电气化铁路接触网后果不堪设想。为加强对其的安全管理确保既有铁路行车安全,对人员进行了针对性的安全教育和交底,对设备采取了埋设地锚、拉设缆风绳的加固措施,在施工中加强全过程的监控、严格奖罚。经过实践检验在临近既有线施工中该套管理措施行之有效,确保了施工过程中既有铁路的行车安全和施工生产安全。

Abstract: shanghai-nanjing inter-city railway construction in close both jinghu railway equipment in a tall beside the existing railways, if the equipment with capsized or break electrified railway catenary consequence is unimaginable. In order to strengthen the administration of the security of the existing railway traffic safety, ensure the pertinence of personnel of safety education and work on equipment, embedding, adopted uplift set wind cable wire reinforcement measures in construction process, strengthen the monitoring and punish strictly. Through the practice of construction inspection in the existing near the effective management measures, to ensure the construction process and construction of railway vehicle both production safety.
Keywords: railway lines, Mechanical equipment, Safety management