论文 英文摘要 急急急 在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 19:24:50
我的中文摘要是: 景荣危机对电视也的影响已经逐渐显现。本文将从国外电视业受危机影响,景荣危机对中国传媒显示或潜在影响以及电视业对景荣危机的初步构想等方面进行阐述。并分析中国电视业的发展形势,针对当前的趋势提出自己的一点看法。对此次金融危机给电视行业的冲击予以充分的关注,从而在意抛砖引玉的讨论,希望这次灾难能给但是也的发展带来机遇。我英语不好 希望哪位大哥大姐帮忙翻译吧 谢谢


The scenery glory crisis already gradually appeared to the television influence also. This article will be affected from the overseas videoland the crisis, the scenery glory crisis demonstrates or the potential impact as well as the videoland to the Chinese media to scenery glory crisis's aspects and so on preliminary conception carries on the elaboration. And analyzes the Chinese videoland the development situation, proposes an own view in view of the current tendency. To this financial crisis for television profession impact full attention, thus cares about the discussion which offers a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas, hoped that this disaster can give, but the development also brings the opportunity

The scenery glory crisis already gradually appeared to the