
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 09:34:02

开头:In the mid-term English examination, our class did a good/bad job. We all feel... I think the reason is......
结尾:如果你们班的成绩好的话可以说你们要继续努力啊,差的话就说 要明白在哪失分啊,改掉粗心的毛病啊,上课认真了....

Our English lessons in the past half-term were very interesting, enjoyable and quite easy/hard, and therefore most of the students received a good mark/have improved in their last assessment.I think the most important factor for this achievement to happen is because of our classroom behaviours(课堂纪律) have changed. For example ........(自己填)。As a result, our attitudes have also changed, such as.......Also, I think that most of those who has improved in their English Standards have completed their homework more often with more accurate scores in their homework results and vise versa. This could be shown by...........(比较一下班上某个同学上学期与这学期的成绩以及他的作业完成情况)Overall, by changing our behaiviours, attitudes and the numbers of completed h