
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 14:22:43

比如说准备开始打了 就5p没有准备好 大家会喊5p 5p
还有单纯的5是Gold, please(给点黄金好吗?) 但是在罗马复兴里面代表开始的意思 因为听起来很像go please 大家都当请开始的意思用
罗马复兴基本数字的含义 如果要想玩的好 这些数字一定要懂
1 yes
2 no
3 I need food (我要食物)
4 Somebody pass the wood (谁给我点木头)
5 Gold, please (给点黄金好吗?)
6 Give me some stone (给我些石头)
7 Wheeeee (唉声叹气)
8 Your attempts are futile (你的企图是徒劳的)
9 Yeeehaaa (瞎叫唤)
10 Hey, I am in your town (嗨,我在你的城里)
11 Boeee (瞎起哄)
12 Join me (救我)
13 I do not think so (我不这样认为)
14 Start the game already (游戏开始了)
15 Who is the man? (这人是谁?)
16 Attack them now (现在就去叼他们)
17 Hahahaha (傻笑)
18 I am weak, please do not kill me(我很弱不经风,别杀我~~~~)
19 Hahahahahahahaha (狂笑)
20 I just got some satisfaction (我搞爽了)
21 Hey, nice town (不错,这城修得挺好)
22 We will not tolerate this behavior (我不能容忍这种行为)
23 Get out (滚出去!)
24 Dag gum (不堪一击?)
25 Oh yeah (对,有道理)

5 persons或者the 5th person