
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 17:40:26

If I go out to have a trip ,I will cycling.Why?
Beacause riding bicyles can savemoney andenergy.It can avoid air pollution.What's more,it has low cost and needs lessspace.And I think riding bicycle can build our bodies strong.
Driving cars saves more time than riding bicycles.But it has high cost,cause air pollution,and needsmore space.
So I think the better way to travel is riding bicycles.If you get a chance totravel,please choose to ride bicycle.

of course,the bicycle one is my best choice.

nm , ,jh lkh h cn mjmj h uctgtjtu tud7ui tidi7i i7i7tc gdhgd ytdy tyd ytxtgf too .

我们能经常听到许许多多的在铁路上发生的交通事故。例如:在1993年4月30日,044次货 物列车与一违章抢越无人看守道口的满载春游学生的大客车相撞,造成30余名花季少年死于非命;在1998年8月5日,徐某在调车场穿越轨道时,被解体作业的流放车轧断后腿,造成终生残废;在2000年8月13日20时,王某等六名少年进入某车站3站台玩耍。21时许,王某爬上车站5道停留的客车顶部时,被机车牵引用的带电接触网电击身亡。有些人,为了贪图小便宜,而破坏铁路,比如拧铁路