
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 23:30:36
在生活中有信仰的人,犹如一个没有罗盘的水手,在浩瀚的大海里随波逐流。 作者: 但丁

我以为现在网络如此发达,找到这段原话应当不难。没有想到,用Google搜了两个小时,Dante Alighieri的名言名句搜到了无数,可就是没有这一句。等待高人!

A person without belief, just as a sailor without compass, drifts along with the wave in the vast ocean.

just as a sailor without compass在句中充当同位语.

Human who has the belief in the life, just likes does not have compass's sailor, drifts with the current in the vast sea