
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/13 07:34:46
体育舞蹈是我国近年来新兴的体育项目,由于它兼具社交、娱乐、体育锻炼及竟技表演等多种社会功能,因此,深受广大群众喜爱具有广泛的群众基础。对于中华民族来讲,体育舞蹈是一种“舶来品” ,由于历史不长,并且一直没有获得过职业教育的帮助。因此,无论在理论研究还是实践表现上都大大落后于国际先进水平。随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,《全民健身计划》的实施与推广,广大群众对体育舞蹈表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣和热情。对此,本文对体育舞蹈如何在全民健身中得到充分地推广进行分析。
关键词:全民健身; 体育舞蹈; 价值

International standards, also known as DanceSport dance, modern dance and it is divided into two major categories of Latin dance, dance 10 species, is a worldwide sport, to date, as the most popular Chinese exercise, one of dance in the sports fitness plays a huge role in the field. Dance Sport of China at this stage to carry out an analysis of the situation, including the participation of officers, carried out by units and so on, and then from the fitness, heart health, aesthetic, social and other aspects of the value of sports dance, the final conclusions drawn from the teacher training, life-long sports, community sports, games and other high-level rationalization proposals put forward for the promotion of sports dance, improve the physique, the promotion of universal good health and provide a theoretical basis.
DanceSport is emerging in China in recent years, sports, both because of its social, entertainment, sports performance training and racing a variety of social funct