
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 13:01:53
[摘要] 由美国次贷危机所引发的金融危机已波及全球,并引起世界性的经济衰退,中国不可避免地受到冲击。中国实体经济和金融业都因金融危机的影响而有所下滑,但同时金融危机也有利于提升中国的国际地位并为中国经济的改革和发展提供一个新的契机。

[关键词]金融危机 成因 影响 机遇
好像有一些语法错误,比如spread worldwide(worldwidely),China inevitably impact(ed)不过我也不知道是不是,能在帮忙看一下吗?这个句子的好像有点问题: help to promote China's financial crisis ,还有China's economic and financial entities 是实体经济和金融业不是经济和金融实体

The financial crisis caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has influenced the whole world, and resulted in a global economic recession in which China is inevitably invovled. Due to the crisis, both China's real economy and financial sector are on the the decline. However, the crisis also helps raise China's international status, and affords a new oppotunity to the reform and development of China's economy.

我把这句做成了定语从句 楼主可以参考

afford...to... 把...提供给...之意

又臭又长的翻译 让楼主见笑了

关键词: financial crisis,causes, infuence, oppotunity )

By the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis caused by the financial crisis has spread worldwide, and cause global recession, China inevitably impact. China's economic and financial entities because of the financial crisis and dropped, but also help to promote China's financial crisis and the international status of China's economic reform and development